
Business Counselling:
Business Counselling is an entry point to AWAKE. Aspiring women come to AWAKE, for support to convert their ideas into a profitable enterprise.
- AWAKE has a counselling center at its office. Business Counselling is done on every Thursday between 2pm-5pm in Rajajinagar
- Sector specific counselling is done on special days with prior information.
- In addition, ongoing counselling is done during our training programs even in rural areas like Bijapur, Bagalkot, Gulbarga, Shimoga, Mysore, Chitradurga, Dharwad, Tumkur, Molkalmuru Taluq etc.
- One-to-one business counselling done voluntarily by existing member entrepreneurs
- Besides sharing their own practical experience, the voluntary counsellors now undergo training in professional counselling
- Since inception, nearly 50 lakhs women have been counselled both formally and informally.
- Idea Generation labs- a one workshop is conducted periodically
Entrepreneurship Awareness Program: This is the activity wherein AWAKE informs its clients of what services it offers and motivates them to take up entrepreneurship.
- It is an awareness program, where member women entrepreneurs motivate a large group of women to take up entrepreneurship
- Discussion on business ideas, schemes and incentives offered by different agencies as opportunities in business
- Conducted often in interior rural areas to reach out to larger number of women