
Entrepreneurship Development Program:
AWAKE conducts general Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDPs) normally after every Awareness program or at periodic intervals- need based. EDPs are conducted by AWAKE’s core training faculty, along with training coordinator and member entrepreneurs who act as role models. AWAKE has trained more than 5 lakhs women covering all the districts of Karnataka with a settlement rate of 67%
- Start-up enterprise training
- Unique training module developed and practiced by AWAKE
- Capacity building and preparation of client for business development
- Includes sessions on empowerment, business, exposure visits, interaction with successful entrepreneurs, government officials and support agencies
- Empowerment session includes fear management, SWOT Analysis, confidence building, problem solving techniques, identifying potential etc
- Business session includes selection of project, business plan, schemes and incentives, accessing resources, banking production and quality control, marketing, book keeping and accounting, planning for growth and expansion
- Provides networking with support agencies and provision of escort services to the clients.
- Follow-up programs for EDP participants
- EDP’s are supported by National, International Agencies
- Period of the training range from 5 days to 4 weeks
- Methods include lecture session, group discussions and specially designed location specific business games and case studies
Skill Development Program:
AWAKE conducts need based skill development programs in specific sectors, like food, floriculture, vermiculture, pottery, handicrafts, eco-friendly products etc, for EDP beneficiaries and other counselees. Resource persons with expertise in the specific sectors conduct the training.
Trainer’s Training Programs (TTP):
AWAKE owes its success of its EDPs because of its holistic approach in including all developmental agencies, both government and NGOs in its training programs.
- Conducts sensitization program for bankers and developmental agencies focusing on gender bias, gender sensitivity and the need for pro-active support in promoting entrepreneurship development among women

- To have a multiplier effect and to reach out to more number of women entrepreneurs
- TTP is conducted for NGO’s and other agencies involved in enterprise development
- Tools for training developed by AWAKE is practiced in TTP

Rural Entrepreneurship Development Program (REDP):
has been carried out in Shimoga, Baglkot, Mandya, Kolar, Chickmagalur, Tumkur, Hubli, Belgaum, Chitradurga, Mysore and Bijapur districts, sponsored by NABARD.
- The program was conducted in 3 phases for both men and women
- Includes sessions on empowerment, business, exposure visits, interaction with successful entrepreneurs, government officials and support agencies
- Business session includes selection of project, business plan, schemes and incentives, accessing resources, banking, production and quality control, marketing, book keeping and accounting, planning for growth and expansion
a project for empowerment of women sponsored by World Bank and IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) and implemented by Karnataka State Women Development Corporation (KSWDC) has identified AWAKE as a training agency for training the NGOs and SHGs in 4 districts- Chitradurga, Kolar, Bellary, Tumkur and also identified as a resource agency to conduct skill EDP’s in Gulbarga District.

Rural Industrialisation Program- RIP:
A program sponsored by DIC, Government of Karnataka SIDBI, for women and men, was carried out in Bijapur & Bagalkot District in two phases for a period of 36 months and then in Shimoga.
- Aimed at creating entrepreneurship awareness and networking
- Over 250 enterprises have been established in different sectors generating a total employment of 15,000
With the experience of implementing RIP in Bijapur and Bagalkot AWAKE conducted RIP in Shimoga District for one year with the support of SIDBI & DIC.
A Pilot Training Project for Rehabilitation of Beedi Workers-Mangalore:
Supported by ILO, with an objective of promoting alternate livelihood options to women, whose present occupation is rolling Beedi. Women from Self-help groups were supported with the intervention of local NGOs working in the District of South Canara through a process of identification of entrepreneurial activities with relevance to local resources and skills. This pilot project also had the objective of developing capacities of the local NGOs in conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programs through Trainers Training Program to identified staff and SHG members so that their intervention can effectively continue even after the withdrawal of the resource organization which provides inputs to the prospective trainers.

Business Incubator for food processing:
AWAKE’s Business Incubator, the first of its kind in Asia, supports development of women owned enterprises in Food Processing. This facility was set up in 1992, with financial assistance from Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), building from Directorate if Industries & Commerce, Government of Karnataka, Centre for Technology Development (CTD) and plant machinery from USAID.
- Licensed facility by FPO
- Clean, hygienic and scientifically designed premises
- Equipped with facilities for food processing, packaging and labelling
- Facility can be utilized by women entrepreneurs for a period of one year on payment of a onetime fee by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Facility available for shorted periods, daily usage or for sampling
- New equipment for baking, vacuum sealing, cold storage and test lab added
- Service of a food technologist, training in food processing development of food products, standardization, and management of food industry being provided
- Products that can be manufactured at AWAKE’s business incubator are fruit and vegetable based products, spice and spice blends, Cereal and Pulses based Products, Dried and Fried Snacks, bakery products etc.
- Consultancy offered on labeling, development of packaging, etc.
A Business Incubator Manual to support replication of such business incubators in food. AWAKE is proud to claim the success of this facility with some entrepreneurs incubating out and have set up their own small and medium, enterprises, now proud owners of profitable food businesses