
Membership Services Program:
Started in 1983 with 7 members AWAKE has more than 1200 members who are practicing entrepreneurs. The Membership committee supports the need of these members.
- Members meet organized 3rd Tuesday of every month at AWAKE
- Annual awards- theme based, in appreciation of the spirit of enterprise, given to women entrepreneurs each year on AWAKE’s Anniversary
- State Conference with seminar, workshop and exhibition held once in four years, for women to update and discuss relevant issues and policies
- Net working with National and International agencies, NGOs and like-minded institutions for furthering the interests of members and to actively participate in policy advocacy
- Regular interactions between members for fellowship & to create a platform for exchange of ideas and Business information
- Conducts competitions in Cookery, Music, Flower Arrangement etc. for members and their family
- Support participation of members in international seminars and trade delegations

Research and Resource Centre:
RRC is the backbone supporting with documentation of all the various activities of AWAKE. Has a computerized Data Bank containing technologies, information on business startup, project profiles, reports etc.
- Publishes AWAKEs monthly newsletter- Awakener – Voice of AWAKE
- Research studies and Data collection and analysis undertaken for various organizations such as ILO, FES, DIC, Ministry of Food, Ministry for Rural Development, GOI, HIVOS, NABARD, ADB, SIDBI, KROSS etc.
- Brought out the first business directory women entrepreneurs- CD and print version, which includes member’s profiles, a profile of AWAKE, government policies and organisations supporting entrepreneurship development
- Published many books- Kannada translation of Trainer’s Training Manual (Neravigara Kaipidi) –WTO – a brief guideline to WTO for small businesses, (Sanna Udyamigaligagi Vishwa-vyapara Samstheya Kaipidi), Policy practice gap, Business Incubator manual, Scaling New Heights- the millennium women & Diganthadatta Dapugalu- case studies of successful women entrepreneurs, detailed two district study of Handloom and Handicraft sector of Bellary and Chitradurga, a technical feasibility study on micro-enterprises in 10 districts of Karnataka, to identify the opportunities in enterprises etc.
- Introduces new concepts and conducts by way of programs to support policy changes, introducing entrepreneurs to new tools for the growth of industry
- Fully equipped documentation facilities
- Has established the Sub Contract Exchange supported by ministry of SSI, Government of India

Credit Referral:
- AWAKEs role in Micro credit is need based training, Bake linkages for Micro Finance Institutions and interim Guarantee funds
- AWAKE is a member of Sa-dhan, which is an organization whose members are Micro Finance Institutions, training organizations and individual members
- Women entrepreneurs whose income level is less than Rs. 25,000 per annum can approach AWAKE for credit referral services
- Contributing to the global objective of reaching out to 100 million poor families by 2005
Supports in capacity building of SHGs and their income generation activities through Training